Case study coming soon

Check back later to read more. But in the meantime, check out our case studies below:

Bull Brand

Igniting Growth: How Bull Brand’s new Shopify site is firing up sales and satisfaction!


Bull Brand, the UK's premier supplier of tobacco and smoking accessories, has been dedicated to delivering the finest products since 2004. With a robust selection ranging from their own tobacco to globally recognized brands like Mascotte and Gizeh, Bull Brand provides a one-stop shop for smokers.

Recognising the potential to expand their market presence, Bull Brand partnered with 9xb to revamp their eCommerce platform on Shopify. The collaboration focused on enhancing user experience, particularly for mobile users, and refining the site's navigation and product merchandising. This strategic overhaul not only improved customer satisfaction but also drove significant sales growth, aligning with Bull Brand’s goal of achieving a fivefold increase in eCommerce store revenue.


Project scoping & discovery

UX/UI design and consultancy

Shopify store development

3rd party application integration

Store maintenance

Continuous improvement

Store management support

Trading and
merchandising support

Digital marketing services


Partners & Tech

Key Metrics


increase in revenue


increase in Average Order Value (AOV)


increase in returning customers

"Working with 9xb has been a pleasure. They understood our business, brand, and needs from the start. Our challenge was to revamp our website and create a modern online presence. In a highly regulated market, it's crucial to display our offerings clearly and legally compliant. We are extremely pleased with our new website's appearance and functionality. It provides a better experience for customers and reflects our high-quality service. 9xb has helped us achieve our long-term commercial goals, regularly challenging our ideas for better outcomes. Their ongoing support is superb, always available, efficient, and professional. We highly recommend 9xB for eCommerce development, merchandising, trading, and design. We've already recommended them to partners, leading to new projects. We consider 9xb an extension of our business and look forward to many more years of collaboration."

Age Verification:

Ensuring customers are of a valid age to purchase products via the website via submitting valid ID documents.

Product Variants Display:

Effortlessly create and display different sizes and pack combinations with no limitations on the number of variants, simplifying the customer journey.

Simplified Repeat Purchase Process:

Barriers for repeat purchases have been removed by allowing customers to reorder their favourite products at the press of a button within their account area.

Shopify Search & Discovery:

Enables predictive search, filtering and product recommendations. Built in analytics provide an understanding of how customers are shopping and navigating the store to allow insights into how improvements can be made to help shoppers find what they’re looking for.

Client success stories

Discover why leading businesses choose 9xb to design, build and optimise their B2B eCommerce stores.

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